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The project

The vision of the Samaritan's Oi app was a platform to give youth to be a voice against domestic violence. In addition to providing resources for victims, the app aimed to educate its audience about the true nature of domestic violence in Australia via a short survey. After answering each questions, users would be shown the correct answer and given a breakdown of all other users' responses to give them an insight into the current public awareness of domestic violence.

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The tech

One major feature of the app was allowing users to see the anonymous responses of other users after answering a question, to be able to better visualise the opinions of the general population. We therefore developed a REST API to share these anonymous responses between devices.

  • Frontend: Vue.js / Cordova
  • Backend: Loopback / Node.js
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The fun

One of the best parts of developing this app was the background animation on the dashboard. An almost inconsequential part of the app, the gentle snow-like animation represented the number of total and active users of the app. Making the drops look random and "natural" was a challenge, and multiple trips to our animators and Stack Overflow were required.

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