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The project

Mak is an Australian clothing company that provides both off-the-shelf and custom-design work wear. Headjam were tasked with bringing their business online.

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The tech

The challenge facing the Mak website was that it wasn't solely an online shop. Mak's off-the-shelf products required an e-commerce solution, with everything that entails - product variants, shopping carts, delivery workflows, online payment systems, and so forth. However, Mak excels at high-quality made-to-order work wear, and the website needed to promote and drive enquiries for that side fof the business. For this reason, we chose Craft CMS with the Craft Commerce extension, which integrated easily with their online payment and inventory management platforms, whilst still remaining easy to content populate.

  • Frontend: Twig / HTML / CSS / JS
  • Backend: Craft Commerce / PHP / Stripe
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The fun

Being a clothing company, each of Mak's products comes in different colours and sizes, each with its own unique SKU. New types of variants would also be required to future-proof the site, so we had to design a system that allowed the Mak team to add and edit the various product attributes with ease. Additionally, each and every product variant needed to be synced to Mak's online inventory management system, necessitating a custom-built plugin to integrate the services.

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